27 January 2023

Amnesty International Thailand


We are 100% independent and funded by people like you. We don’t accept money from governments or political organisations, so they have no leverage over what we do. They’re afraid of us, and they should be.


Your support helps save people at risk of execution on death row, free people unjustly imprisoned, and cut through the news-cycle with expert research - pushing those in power to act.

You can shine a light in the darkness and provide hope to millions of people whose rights are denied. Be the change you want to see in the world. Donate through our Tele-Fundraising Team.

At times Amnesty may contact people by telephone to ask for support. You may be receiving phone calls from 02-038-5045 or 02-038-5035. At the start of the call, you will always be told that you are being contacted on Amnesty International Thailand’s Tele-Fundraising Staff.



  1. Why does Amnesty International do phone- fundraising?

    Telephone fundraising is one of the most effective and personal ways we can reach out to donors. Amnesty International believes all people have fundamental human rights, but those rights are abused or denied every single day. With your donation, Amnesty International can continue our research and document human rights abuses and mobilize millions of supporters to campaign for change.

  2. How does a donor know if a fundraiser is from Amnesty International?

    Amnesty employees will have specific information like the information you used to sign petitions to verify their identity. You can also ask for an email to be sent to you by a verified Amnesty International Thailand email.

  3. Is it safe to give personal and financial information to the fundraisers?

    Yes: All of our software is used to collect payment information in a secure way. All the data we collect is immediately uploaded to our remote servers, processed and then completely removed from out devices. Once processed, your financial data is further encrypted according to Payment Compliance Industry (PCI) Standards.

  4. How do I know I am a monthly donor?

    All donors will receive an email confirmation upon sign-up. Donors can call us at 02-5138745-Amnesty if they have not received the mentioned above correspondences.

  5. What if a donor wants to cancel or change giving?

    Donors may cancel monthly gifts at any time by calling 02-0560000-Human Rights Supporter Care Team or email at They may also reduce or increase the donation amount, change payment method, and/or gift schedule by calling or emailing.


*Donations to Amnesty International Thailand are not tax-deductible.

*Donor information will be shared between Amnesty International Thailand and Amnesty International Secretariat Office.


Our Tele-Fundraising Team

At times Amnesty may contact people by telephone to ask for support. At the start of the call, you will always be told that you are being contacted on Amnesty International Thailand’s Tele Fundraising staff.

Name of our Telemarketer

If you’ve been approached by a person claiming to be raising funds for Amnesty International Thailand, please ask for their name and ID and check against the below lists. If you still in doubt, please contact us at 025138745, 025138754 - Amnesty International Thailand
Contact Number from Telemarketing Team of Amnesty International Thailand : 02 038 5045, 02 038 5035
Agent Code Name
SG1001 Chotiga Sriboon 
SG1004 Suttida Kaityuttachart 
SG1006 Walada Sirintanakarn
SG1007 Yanawan Saitubtim 
SG1011 Jamjira Nuamsuwan
SG1028 Natcha Karnchanabumrung
SG1029 Rawisara Rungsaeng
SG1030 Apatsara Thanonkaew
SG1031 Sasinaraporn Prachern
SG1032 Griangrai Gaewpratoom
SG1033 Surakrai Pongkamonsat
SG1034 Preeyanuch Atthathamsontorn
SG1035 Pasinee Jaiboon
SG1036 Wimon Intawong